Services provided by the International Affairs Division

The International Affairs Division is responsible for implementing the conventions signed between Israel and other countries. It helps the insured to realize their rights of insurance and benefits according to the conventions. In addition, the Division participates in the negotiation process for signing new conventions and amending existing conventions.

In order to regulate your social rights in the case of moving from one country to another, you need to contact the International Affairs Division, National Insurance Institute.

At the International Affairs Division you can receive the following services:

  • File a benefit claim from the social insurance organization in the convention country in which you lived.
  • File a request for exemption from double payment of insurance contributions.
  • Receive forms and certificates regarding insurance periods, necessary in order to receive all of your rights according to the convention.
  • Receive general information about the social security laws in the countries with which Israel has signed a convention.

Confirmation of the amount of benefits paid by the National Insurance Institute, document verification services, stamping life certificates and citizenship certificates can be downloaded from the site's Forms and Authorizations. The certificates can also be obtained in all NII local branches throughout Israel.